Since 2018, TM Ministry has been reaching the people of Ngunyumu with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. During our time in Ngunyumu we learned a lot about the people of the area we did not know.  For example, we learned that the area has a high rate of school dropout, leadiing to illiteracy and insufficient knowledge in the area. As a result, the youth who drop out of achool, cannot get meaningful employment outside the area and the area has very few economic activities which can provide them with job opportunities. Thus, due to desperation most youth who drop out, engage in unhealthy activities such as drinking and taking drugs, robbery, idleness with no purpose in life. Although we are teaching them the word of God, it is hard for them to change unless we give them something to replace their old habits and to reduce the chance of others joining the circle. To address this problem, TM Ministry plans to start youth programs which empower the youth with knowledge and skills as well as teaching them the gospel of Jesus Christ. This will help them stand a chance to compete for job vacancies and transform their life. Thus bring change to the community. The Kambusu Vocational Training Institute will equip school dropouts with the skills they need to succeed.    Ruth OKello. 

Kambusu Vocational Training Institute

The Kambusu Vocational Training  Institute is up and running. Presently there are classes and seminars on literacy, computer skills training, brick making and construction as well as knitting. 

TM Ministry purchsed a brick making machine. Thirty young men were trained on making bricks. Construction techniques were quickly learned using the inter connecting design of the bricks. Many bricks are being stockpiled to be used soon for the construction of the new Kambusu Vocational and Christian Training Institute. 

TM Ministry purchased a knitting machine. Students were trained and began making sweaters to sell. A sewing machine was also purchased and classes are being taught on it's operation. 


Ruth organized a Teach The Teachers workshop in Tala, Kenya. Jamin Jones, a member of the TM-Ministry Advisory Committee on education conducted the seminars.  The teachers were interested and engaged in the seminars. The teachers received completion certificates.